Event Logo Image
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Platinum Membership $0.00
1 Cooler, 2 can coolers and 2 car magnets per family, Monthly PTO Dress down day (1st Monday each month), 2 extra dress down passes per child, website and facebook recognition (updated weekly)

Gold Membership $0.00
2 can coolers and 2 car magnets per family, Monthly PTO dress down day (1st Monday each month), website and facebook recognition (updated weekly)

Silver Membership $0.00
2 car magnets per family and Monthly PTO Dress down day (1st Monday each month)

The Teacher and Staff Gift Fund provides funding for birthdays, Christmas and appreciation recognition


If you prefer to register and pay via check, please fill out this form and send to the school office.  

Note: If you would like to join the PTO but have financial constraints, please contact Kristen Wilson (kristenmistrettawilson@gmail.com) for confidential information regarding membership status.